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Coordination of motion on various shafts by VFD

In the machines used in the food and beverage, packaging, and printing industries, in particular, there are various shafts where the rotational position of the shafts – relative to each other – is of critical importance. Through the use of variable frequency drives with special interfaces and motors of low rotational inertia the position of the shafts – relative to each other – can be maintained according to a prescribed algorithm. Performing this type of control using mechanical means and to the same degree of accuracy and reliability is well nigh impossible or uneconomic.

In many applications there is a requirement that the torque loading (in the case of tight mechanical coupling) or speed (in the case of weak mechanical coupling) on two shafts driven by independent motors should be the same. This is easily satisfied through master/follower algorithms included within the variable frequency drive software and a communication regime between the VFDs.

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